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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

The Infection
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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event) Empty A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

Post by Diaveras Thu May 17, 2012 8:53 pm

Overa sat in her dressing room, there wasn't anyone inside with her. Sora was outside waiting on her and the only sound that could be heard was the restlessness of a large crowd of people somewhere outside. She had her hands folded on the desk in front of her, the mirror reflecting the image of herself in her stage dress. Her hair had been colored white, a precaution she personally takes to prevent from looking like her real self. She had a gloomy expression on her face, her gaze diverted to her hands. Today she was going to do something she didn't want to do. But she was not able to do anything else, she had no other choice thanks to them.

She unfolded her hands with a sigh and grabbed a brush, beginning to run it through her hair. Brushing it out of her face. Not really styling it as she let it sit straight. She took a few clips and put some of her hair together into waves that ran counter clockwise around the left side of her head. This was Satea Ercot, her persona, her other self, the reason her life was how it was now. This was the face that the people out there were waiting for, this was the person who they wanted to see and to hear the voice of. Overa Umitate no ceased to exist during these times, completely as if she were never there to begin with. Her gaze met the reflection of her eyes in the mirror, they weren't sad. She had taken on the persona, a person of an unceasing good mood and endless smile. her lips drew into that smile now as she was melding into her role. She stood from the seat now and turned around to walk out of the room.

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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event) Empty Re: A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

Post by The Infection Thu May 17, 2012 9:41 pm

As the screams of the crowd cast over the world like a torrent of sound, a man of a false face stood precariously behind the main horde of fans. They were so annoying, always getting so worked up over simple music…It was a pain to listen to. Though, he wasn’t here for the music. He was here for his job.

A man going by the name Zane Hataro He was waiting for events to unfold, waiting for chaos to ensue and the binds of fate to lock in place the fate of his victims. He was ready to fight, crush, and kill all those who were to come. Though, he didn’t show this publicly. He simply kept it locked away in the depths of his mind. The man was decently tall, standing at six feet and four inches above the ground, substantially more than the average male. His hair was of a black hue, arranged in the style of several spikes that cover the skull and forehead, composed of several strands of hair all brought together by some type of transparent kinetic force. His eyes were filled with a sense of boredom, painted crimson with a sense of apathy shining from them. His nose was a tad larger than normal, but not to any large degree, or even noticeably. It was something that you would only really notice if you wanted to notice it or had a keen sense of detail. His teeth were lightly biting in to the flesh of his bottom-lip, trying to cease the plague of boredom with slim traces of pain.

Zane wore a uncommon attire, especially for an executive officer of a cooperation like the one he was in. Over his shoulders and down to his waist hung a black leather jacket, being fairly thick and covering the entirety of his upper-body. The hands slipped out of the jacket, not being covered by it. A small portion of his chest was also visible since the jacket wasn’t entirely tied together. There was a V-neck at the top of the jacket, getting its name from the V-like shape that remained uncovered. Moving on to the lower-body, Zane also had black leather pants, the same material as the jacket. Along this leather were traces of gold, primarily imbedded in waist-line. This was a design he had specifically made to flaunt the wealth he had obtained through the company he worked for. His shoes were made entirely of metal with the exception of a small layer of panther hide on the inside of them to comfort the feet. This made each step he made heavy, making a stomping noise with each step he took. Though, lifting them was quite easy for him. No one knew why, but he could casually wear them without the slightest hindrance. Around his neck was a silver chain that connected to a cross of sorts. The cross hung against his chest, the metal complimenting the attire he wore nicely. The cross was pure silver as well with the exception of the center. In the middle of the four points of the cross was a ruby-like gem of a crimson red color. It shined in the light of the half-lit sky, the evening still in place as time continued to move forward.

Zane Hataro waited near the entrance to the concert, not actually going inside yet. He was seated upon a red velvet chair to the right of the entrance and out of the crowd’s path. He was getting tired of this waiting. He wanted to get the real party started. Very seldom did things ever go as he wanted, which was quite agitating to Zane, but he dealt with it the best he could. His eyes looked upon the sky, the faint sunlight covering the ground. The man kicked back, resting against the luxurious velvet material in wait for the real event to show itself.
( Short post is short)
The Infection
The Infection

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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event) Empty Re: A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

Post by Sora Hayashi Thu May 17, 2012 11:41 pm


Teens were everywhere. Sora stared silently down the hallway the crimsons eyes never once wavering. This was their time to cause a ripple in the spirit world. But at what cost? A child no longer had a good life because of what they were doing. The thought agitated Sora, watching men and women pass down the hallway every couple minutes Sora felt uncertain. Concerts were new ground for him to cover. How was he supposed to react, was their a proper way to react? Knocking lightly on the door, the bodyguard waited till he heard an answer before opening the door to peek his head inside. So this was her idol ego? Sora's eyes moved over her then he nodded his head certain he memorized her. You have to be on the stage in a few minutes. So if you don't mind we should start out so that the people in the crowd don't throw a riot while waiting." Sora looked serious though his eyes danced with laughter. It was his way of making a joke to try and ease the tension that seemed to be pushing down on them. Sora knew his job rather well, protect Overa from any dangers that might try and attack them. The thought was one that made the body guard frown almost to himself. This didn't seem right at all yet they had to do it to keep their plots moving for this war between races. Stepping back from the edge of the door way the stocky man offered no assurance of emotion to Overa. Looking down the hallway once more on either side he knew it was secure. That was good enough for him. No one was going to get past him if he could help it. If it looked like the tide was going to go against them then Sora would pull the girl out from there right away.

"Come on, I hear the music starting up. You're going to be late." Sora grumbled rolling his eyes in annoyance. Lightly he moved behind Overa like a shadow know that he could shoot anyone that appeared before them. His steps made the slightest of noise as he walked. For the occasion of playing body guard Sora wore a normal white dress shirt that he wouldn't mind wrecking with a coat thrown over it. The coat looked like it was made of leather and able to take a beating from someone. His pants looked almost like they were melded on. If it weren't for the scars Sora would've been a very handsome man. Slinking along behind the idol Sora paused at the edge of the stage. This was her time to shine. Slowly his left hand dropped to the shoulder holster trailing across the cool metal of the gun. "Have a good show. If you're worried about something at any point signal me over and you'll have the protection you need." The words were genuine. Patting the girl on the back awkwardly the man shooed her out into the stage. The crashing sound of teens screaming in excitement was enough of an annoyance on its own. No one would think such a rough looking man like him was actually a doctor for the company. How funny in all honesty.

"Don't fuck up or I'll kick your ass." Sora called after her with amusement ringing out with each word. Soon enough the man was leaning in the shadows of stage right watching the girl he was in charge of. Hopefully the shinigami would understand the message... Though some were more dense that others. He wouldn't count his chickens till they hatched. Pulling out a smoke, Sora lit it, taking a long drag. Sometimes habits were just too hard to break.
Sora Hayashi
Sora Hayashi

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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event) Empty Re: A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

Post by Diaveras Fri May 18, 2012 12:41 am

When she stepped out of the changing room she turned to Sora and bowed to him. "Nice to meet you again, Sora Hayashi." However her little moment was interrupted as he got all business on her. The first thing he said was how she was to be on stage, to be honest she felt it best to make the fans wait an extra minute or two to get them more riled up. She kept her unyielding smile up, showing herself to be different from the person he was used to protecting. "No interest in learning about the person you are protecting? You don't know me, you know Overa." She always took the two personae as different people, she felt like a different person after all. Then he was rushing her a bit. She grabbed his arm. "Hey, they can wait an extra minute." In truth she was being hesitant in going out there, knowing what was going to happen when she was given the signal, but this couldn't show on her face at the moment.

Still he was insistent and she began to walk, Sora behind her. she looked over her shoulder at him. "Could you walk a little closer to me?" But he kept as he was, she sighed a bit at this fact before turning forward once more. can't you act a little more like you know me? It's not very soothing that my precious protector doesn't act too friendly with me." She wasn't at all against voicing her opinion at the moment. "I at least want the person who I consider the closest to me in my life to act a bit more close to me." She said this holding her hand up to her chest, gently touching it. "Especially when I have to go up there and do something I don't want to do." He may notice how she wasn't holding back on saying how she feels and what she is thinking right now.

The pair came to their destination, here they would have to separate and let things go on as they are meant to now. The pat on the back was sort of reassuring, stil lthough she turned to face him and looked to his eyes, showing no fear of them at all. "Hey, It'll go well... you know until I get the signal of course." her face defied her emotions still, she was completely dreading the event but she looked so cheerful and happy as if nothing was going to happen at all. This was the super optimistic side known as Satea Ercot. "I want to get out of here as soon as things go bad. When that happens let's just leave instantly and get ice cream or something!" She was delaying again, she didn't want to go, she didn't want to be on stage this time. She partly hoped the man would tell her she didn't have to go but... that wasn't going to happen.

"Well..... I've delayed long enough." her eyes become slightly less open as they moved down to the side, her smile still unbroken by how hesitant she felt at the moment. "Just... be there...... please..... as soon as they show up..... if you could just.... get me out of here before I have to actually see what this will do." from behind her bright looking eyes a bit of water could be seen leaking out and down her cheek. She moved her head up and wiped this away before bowing to Sora. Then turning around and sprinting a bit towards the stage. She stopped as he called out to her. "That would conflict with you job description! I wouldn't want to make you do that. I want you to stay my protector, you and no one else!" After finishing this up she jumped out to the stage and greeted the fans, a far stronger wave of noise would overtake Sora as they cheered at her.

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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event) Empty Re: A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

Post by Sora Hayashi Sat May 19, 2012 12:51 am

Sora continued his smoke, the crimson eyes shut for a moment. Ice cream huh? Well he could do that, there was a shop near by. Taking a long drag on the smoke the man opened his eyes to survey from the shadows. He knew Overa didn't want to be out there, nor did Sora want the gal out there. Sighing slightly he tipped his head towards one of the other executives acknowledging him. Sora's job was simple, let Overa call in the monsters and then they were getting the hell out of there. Sora knew his job description well enough. They wanted muscle and gained a singer's wealth and powers. Slipping back into the shadows a grumble escaped his mouth for a moment. Damn he really didn't want to put her in the position where the world would know what she really was. They were freaks compared to normal humans. Feeling unease Sora moved closer to the edge of the stage wanting to call the girl back more than anything. The thundering roar of clapping washed over him, a sigh escaping his mouth. These things were really loud. Stupid events. Glancing to the crowd he noted all the people out there looking on eagerly, their operatives were spread through the crowd the feeling of energy escaping them now and then in gentle lulls to bait the hollows that Overa would bring them in hordes. This didn't feel right to him at all. The crimson eyes narrowed further as he crushed the remains of the smoke between his fingers letting it drop to the ground. Kicking it slightly in a scuffing manner watching it roll away. Soon enough she'd be singing. He could wait patiently soon enough for it.

"She needs to hurry up so we can get the hell out of here. I don't want to have to deal with thick crowds of people panicking. A clean release and movement should work out." The fullbringer mumbled to himself feeling frustrated. His hand brushed along his waist where the browning was holstered. Feeling the cool metal against his touch the man stepped back from the edge of the stage looking less like he wanted to drag her off and more relaxed.
Sora Hayashi
Sora Hayashi

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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event) Empty Re: A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

Post by Diaveras Sat May 19, 2012 1:42 am

She was hesitant as she stepped to the center of the stage and began her first song. A simple and easy song, meant to set a calm atmosphere for the crowd, something casual and let their guard down. She could feel it, though, the presence of seven people in the crowd of reiryoku levels liek her own when she released her fullbring. A few of them having been placed there, the others actualyl being random citizens. She bit her lip as the song was opening her smile and bright expression unbetrayed by all but this one tiny action. Then it was time to begin singing to the song.

As she sang she swayed around the stage, dancing around it, circling it a few times and approaching the edge of the stage at certain parts of the song to look directly down at the crowd, lightly touching her hand across their own as they raised to meet her. then she would pull back aronud the stage, one could tell she was moving in a figure eight pattern as she danced.

then the music changed to a song that was vastly different from the previous one. Starting out quite slow and her voice low as she sang. The crowd was silent and still swaying a bit in reaction to the rhythm of the song. the song stayed slow for what one would consider quite a while a series of lights in the background showed the blurry image of something in motion. Soon it picked up a bit, not much but a bit causing the crowd to start moving at a bit of a faster pace. The image becoming clearer, enough so that one could tell it was a person in flight. Satea, or Overa if you prefer, did not move around the stage very much mostly circling a bit around the very center of the stage. Then one final pick up and the song was reaching it's end. this wasn't very much but it was going to be the climax of the song. She raised her voice and closed her eyes, the sound of ticking from the song indicating the approach of the end as it ended in but the sound of a beating drum. The song had ended as gently as it had started. Her head was down toward the stage, she hadn't been given the signal just yet so she had to keep going.

now would come a [url]song[/url] that greatly contrasted with the previous two. Satea's head shot up with the start of the song as she started to move around the stage quite actively, spinning and swaying her arms around, stopping in the center to raise her arm over her head with certain parts of the song then bring it down and closing her eyes as she took on a very serious expression, using english words mixed in with the japanese lyrics to it. At one point she raised her head, holding the micro phone just above as she seemed to be calling to the sky with certain parts of the song. She stood in place and started a series of motions within the small center of the stage, moving back and forth across it until the end of the song.

Now The command of the CEO rang in her head now. It was time to break from this now. She kept from breaking the seriosu expression she had put on for the song she had just sung. She put her hand to her chest as the micro phone kept in a pocket on her dress would be glwoing now, beginning to transfer her into her released state. But record it and stay on stage to replay it a few times. NOW her eyes oepned with shock, she was ordered to use it more than once?! Record it and play it again?! what was he thinking?! Still she felt her feet leave the floor as she raised a few inches, the seeming holograms forming around her, the circle forming in front of her mouth, with the two curved sheets of reiryoku revolving around it. She was hovering now, she was already begin to hum the note that would start it all. but she didn't record it, there was no way she was going to record it. She was not going to stay, she wasn't going to stay after they all showed up!


Five of the spiritually aware humans in the crowd could be seen in shock to see the girl activate her fullbring. and more so when their reiryoku were forcefully flared to their maximums. the sound that satea was giving off was part of the notes hit by hollows when they would let otu their roar, a sound that no normal human would be familair with but these five and the two stationed in the audience would be very familiar with it. of these five, two were quincy a bit more appealing to hollows than normal humans. the problem was the rest of them. fullbringers which were many times more appealing to hollows than anything else. Hollwos drooled from the "scent" of fulbringers alnoe but these three were having their reiryoku shown off like massive beacons of light. And the sounds of hollwos coudl be heard. Thousands of hollows, all appearing in every direction aronud the area, the closest being immediately visible above them. one could even sense a menos or two showing up far away, this horde blocked out the light of the sun as they began converging.... and the feeding frenzy was begun. the crowd was soon depleted and replaced with hollwos of all sizes, and of great ferocity. ripping and tearing at each other's catches. Some humans were divided between hollows, some hollows were eating each other to get to some of the humans. The only evidence of anything to the normal humans being the splattering of blood and dismemberment of the people around them.. bodies losing their heads and limbs. people being torn in twine and the five humans that were unfortunately there. two of them didn't have the time to release their powers and start fighting. the others did however. two fullbringers and a quincy.

Satea felt her throat begin to hurt as she held the sonud for too long. She coughe a bit and grabbed at her throat, letting out a cry from the pain of it. Like she had just lacerated her own esophagus. She hovered back a bit as the hollows were concentrated on the crowd. Sora woul also have felt the effects of the ability, the only one being safe from being affected was Satea herself. Still though in this state her reiryoku was high.

Again Satea! replay the sound now that those idiots have released the full extent of their power! send a second and far larger ripple across the spirit world! She didn't know it but her subconscious had activated the ability to record the sound. She felt it waiting to be unleashed again, and this is in fact what happened. This was gonig to worse as not only the humans but the hollows would have their rieryoku flared to attract other hollows, the ones hungry for hollows... anyone who was familiar enough with hollows would know that the majority of the cannibalistic hollows were the three classes of menos grande. if she were to use it again, now with even a gillain or two in the area. She didn't want to do this at all.

She couldn't bear the thought of doing it a second time.

the message managed to hit sora's mind as well this time, hopefully the man would catch on and react to this Satea put her hands on her head she was trying to seal her release state but the obedient part of her was resisting this, orders were absolute when they came from him and it was his damned ability that made it like this. She turned to look over at where Sora with a face of unwillingness. trying to tell him to stop her from doing any more and get her out of here.

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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event) Empty Re: A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

Post by Sora Hayashi Sun May 20, 2012 12:05 am

Shit! Sora's eyes were wide, anger showing in them as power flared through the area. It wasn't supposed to be this much!! This wasn't the amount they ever agreed upon. Overa, he needed to get her the hell out of here before she got hurt. The fullbringer used the momentum he had in his legs to sprint to the idol the power making a part of him want to react. Shit, he was going to fucking kill the CEO if he got his hands on him. The force of the power had to be more than enough to draw blood on the idol. The girl was under HIS protection. How dare that ass hat take his word lightly. For all the blood shed from her he'd make their leader pay for with his own. As he bolted across the stage his right hand lifted up to the phoenix necklace at his throat, though he noticed the other members of the company already prepared for the monsters. The mental of necklace was burning against his hands, Hayashi dropped it to look at Overa or whatever the hell she called herself in this form. "We're getting the fuck out of here. If you use any of that magic crap on me I will lock you in my closet." He growled scooping Overa up in his arms. There was no elegance in the manner, tossing the girl on his shoulder Sora shot a glance to the fellow executive there before once more vanishing behind the stage. His feet pounded the ground as he ran. Despite the extra weight the man didn't seem the least bit bothered about it. His mantra at that current moment was survive. There was so much pressure in the air, the girl brought a lot more than they had planned on bringing. This wasn't going to end well for them. The shinigami were going to find them for this, he had to keep Overa safe. That was his god damn job. Anger showed in his eyes, he refused to lose another person who he considered close to him.

They were at the exit now, Sora's own pressure smothering Overa's in a manner that made it seem like he was the one attracting the hollows. Fuck it, he'd walk through hell now. The girl went through enough bullshit this wasn't right. Hell had his name on it as far as he was concerned. Breaching the threshold of the stadium Sora shot a glance to the sky and then once more started cursing making sure not to drop his charge. His hand went to the necklace around his neck pulling it off. His energy made a sword form. Holding on tightly to Overa he moved them to the exit. Using the fullbringers version of flash step the man was moving them away. Fuck this. The sword was in case any hollow thought they were smart enough to take him on. They'd learn soon enough he didn't tolerate that shit from anyone. The eyes of a demon showed clearly. Sora was ready to tuck away the idol and kill these creatures where they were. He held no love to hollows. The red eyes flickered to them feeling like he was going to lose control.

No. He couldn't. With that he pushed on, he'd bring her to get some fucking ice cream.
Sora Hayashi
Sora Hayashi

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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event) Empty Re: A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

Post by The Infection Sun May 20, 2012 2:26 am

Zane Hataro continued to relax in his seat, the hordes of fans now all contained in the area of the concert. This made it quieter outside near the entrance, but their yelling and cheering for whatever petty things they found entertaining still echoed across the light-stricken sky. The real event probably as going to be a few minutes until it actually occurred. Why not relax for those minutes? Drifting off from reality in his seat, the man’s began to close, the crimson hue of his iris covered by his eyelids and blocked from the vision of others. His head leaned back against the velvet material that composed his seat and his mind entered the stage of pre-sleep. He could easily wake up in this state, but it was relaxing and would have him ready for the upcoming fight. He knew what was going to happen overall, just not to what extent. His senses dulled, entering the state of sleep and syphoning off the sounds of the recently-played music and the crowd nearby.

Zane’s vision was filled with blackness, no light in his perception. Just that endless darkness that foretold how it all would end, the shadows were something the imagination filled with miscellaneous things. They were unmarked areas where people couldn’t comprehend what was really contained in their darkness. These shadows were all he could see for miles. Though, something was odd about this darkness. It wasn’t the normal lack of vision a person would see from closing their eyes. It was more like what a person would see in a pitch-black room with no light at all, leaving a person blind, but aware that their eyes were open. Only by bringing his hand closer to his face and touching the bridge of his nose did he realize that his actual body was in a realm of shadows. It was odd. He was just at the concert a moment ago. Logically, this would be known as a dream, seeing as he just fell asleep to a degree, but he felt awake. This perplexed him, leaving him in a dazed state for a brief moment.

Without any sign of warning, the area was lit a blaze with light, torches on the walls being filled with flames. However, this fire appeared different than normal flames. It was not the traditional red and orange flames that people were accustomed to. Rather, the fire was white, giving the room a tint of the same color. The room was obviously large as soon as the torches were lit. It was empty, but truly massive. The ceiling and tiles of the floor and walls were simple cobblestone, nothing else. This gave the area a dull visual appeal, not changing at all from that format. The walls were twenty feet apart and the roof was fifty feet above Zane’s head. The room seemed to stretch forward for an extensively long distance, the end of it from either side not even visible to him as his head turned both directions to scout for any door or window,. The torches were spaced apart from each other by two feet.

Zane took a step forward, his foot sinking down slightly as one of the tiles moved down as a result of the step’s weight upon it. Why was a pressure plate here? Five seconds after this, a loud grinding sound could be heard from behind him. It was like stone was being pressed tightly against stone. This sound made the man think it was a trap of some sort, but upon turning around, nothing was coming toward him to harm him, but rather the object moving had simply ceased in his line of sight. The endless hallway was gone. A wall was exactly ten feet behind him. Though, unlike the ceiling and walls, this wall had an image painted on it. It wasn’t really that well done, being barely legible. It resembled those older cavemen paintings a person would normally see in the exhibit. It detailed the events of some kind of serpent going down a man’s throat, hundreds of other serpents simply moving in circles around him and preventing his escape. He didn’t exactly know what this meant, nor did he have time to closely examine it. His vision was covered ina bright light, a humming sound entering his ears and causing him to awaken suddenly.

His eyes opened, his body quickly bursting forward, his feet pressing him upward and back in to a standing position. His full height of six feet and four inches was met and his body was forced in to a state of overcharge. His spiritual energy seemed to burst from his insides by some unseen force. He knew what it was, but due to the events prior to this was caught off guard. That was one odd dream, but he would need to think about that later. A blue torrent of spiritual energy poured out from his form, moving skyward and producing an aura that was three inches thick and moved four feet above his head. The energy was quite violent, uncontrolled like normal. The pattern of it was spiked, dozens of small spike-like shapes appearing at the ends of the transparent teal energy. This only lasted for a few seconds, the energy fading just as quickly as it had spawned and going back under his control.

Unfortunately, something undetermined had occurred that left Zane in an odd position. The hollows appeared as informed, however, their numbers….Why the hell were there this many? He supposed the more there were, the bigger the result and reaction for their goal, but was this many really needed? Hollows were falling from the sky like bloody rain. The screams of the crowd mixed with the roar of the beasts clouding his sense of hearing. It was more annoying than the che- Well, almost as annoying as their insistent cheering. Zane lifted his left-hand over his left-ear, his fingers scratching against the side of his head. His crimson eyes gave a sense of annoyance at how many there were here. Regardless, none of them were too powerful yet. He would be able to manage himself until the second group showed up to deal with these things for him. He was going tom spectate the event to gather information.

Zane Hataro saw a hollow coming toward him, that familiar hunger in its eyes ready to feast upon those with decent power. Though, his spiritual energy was a tad misleading. It gave the feel that he was weaker than he really was. This hollow was a simple scriecher, its wings lifting the bat-like body a few feet above the air as it charged forth, talons stretched out and ready to slice anything in their way. Removing his left-hand from its position around the head, the man quickly pivoted his body to the right, changing his foot so that the talon could only graze the edge of his jacket, tearing at a portion of the fabric. While it was doing this, Zane Hataro stretched his arm outward, attempting to grab the hollow by one of its two wings and cease its movement with his superior strength. After that, he pulled back on the creature, forcing it in to a position where the two faced each other. Without a moment’s notice, the executive balled up his right-hand in to a fist, pulling his arm back right before sending a powerful punch at the beast’s mask. On contact, the mask shattered. Mask fragments scattered across the grass-coveted ground. They faded to dust with the hollow, the beast’s soul being damned due its death under such conditions. These things were not too much trouble, but these numbers.,… He didn’t think he could manage to deal with all of them just using his fists.

Zane Hataro exhaled deeply, noticing more hollows poor out from the entrance of the concert. The one closest had a more human-esque appearance to it. It had the same hsape as a human body, though more bulky and obviously too huge to be Human. The hollow stood at about nine feet tall, its skin of a darker shade of blue. Its movements were clunky and slow, charging forth in a barbaric manner without thought. Such methods of attacking were pathetic, being so easy to exploit. Regardless, he needed his blade to deal with so many of them. His arm moved directly in front of him, his fingers positioned as if wrapped around the guard of a weapon of sorts. Pitch-black spiritual energy appeared around his hand, coming together and materializing the form of his offensive tool. It took the shape of a sword, gaining texture and color until it finally became the solid weapon that he intended to use. This weapon was non-other than The Crescent of the Sun.

The Crescent of The Sun was an odd blade, starting with a small one-inch cylinder at the base connecting to a three-inch long crescent that was painted of pure ebony. Above this was the guard, a scorching-red wood that possessed a sense of heat to it. This had four links, each one representing an oddly-shaped cylinder that closed nearly in to a diamond, only to link to the next, repeating this pattern for four cylinders. In the end, the length of the guard was four inches, the width being only an inch. After this was another crescent, the points aimed toward the points of the crescent prior. This was identical to the last, being three inches in length and a shade of ebony. Extending from this crescent was the blade itself. The blade was made of pure silver, reflecting the light of the evening day off of its edge. Though appearing to just be a fancy sword, the weapon was much more than that, having powers of its own that were only accessible to entities of a Human nature, such as Humans, Quincy, and Fullbringers.

Holding the Crescent in his hand, Zane Hataro eyed the hollow stampeding toward him in a simple charge. Once it got close, he took a quick step forward, jolting his body in to an offensive stance. His foot crushed the dirt underneath it with the weight of the steel, giving extra leverage to strike with. With one swift motion, the executive swung the blade toward the beast in a vertical strike aimed to cut the hollow clean through its center. Due to his advantage in speed over the beast, this inevitably succeeded. The blade made contact, moving through the hollow’s body. It started at the base of the head and descended down in the chest, ceasing its movement for a moment. In a change of motion, Zane pulled the blade to the right, moving in a way that would normally leave a rather massive cut throughout the hollow’s body in the shape of a right-angle. However, as the blade exited the beast’s body, no blood covered the steel. The hollow did not appear injured either. It did not bleed, nor did any wound appear at all. It was like the blade phased directly through it.

The hollow’s serpentine eyes lost all color seconds later, the iris turning black and its muscle-filled body ending all movement. The hollow even stopped breathing, staying completely still with no sense of movement. It was like an organic statue. It stayed like this for three seconds before the body began to decompose in to black particles of spiritual energy, as all hollows did when they died. The energy scattered across the sky, filling the area with even more energy. The blade had cleave the soul of the hollow in twain, This lead to a quick and painful end to the creature, destroying its soul directly, rather than damaging the physical body in any way what-so-ever. More and more hollows began to pour in to the horde, increasing their numbers more and more with each passing second. For fucks sake, how many of these things did they intend on conjuring?

Last edited by The Infection on Sat May 26, 2012 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Infection
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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event) Empty Re: A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

Post by Kasumi Suzume Fri May 25, 2012 2:34 pm

The slight pressure would be felt as Kasumi Suzume stepped out of a sekimon, her men disappearing in a flash around her. Once they fanned out she walked on a platform of reiatsu, the sharp red eyes holding a look of pure disdain. The woman loathed the creatures that were slithering all over the city. Her white haori huddled around her slender doll like frame. This was going to be one hell of a fight. Weapons were strapped across her form, barely showing from the haori. If there was one thing that was known about the Suzume woman was the fact that she always went someone where prepared for the worst. Crimson eyes surveyed the scene before her. Using a quick shunpo the woman also vanished with her men. The quick flicker of movement would be seen as the captain once more appeared on top of a hollow her zanpakuto piercing through its mask. Hollows where beasts that needed to be put to rest more than anything. Anyone who looked to her eyes could see the hatred that seemed to permeate from her. There's so many of them. We might have to release our swords just to take care of the large hordes. The small woman through grimly realizing there was still humans in the concert area. The screams were more than enough to bother her. Using another quick shunpo the woman ended up near the stage looking to the exits for a moment wondering why no one was going out them. Peering at the exits showed that they were barred from wreckage. A thin sigh came escaping from her mouth. This was going to be a harder mission that she thought but there would be revenge for her. The red eyes gleamed with anger as she stood there eyeing the hordes patiently.

Kasumi, you might need to use my power. Make the best out of this and wipe them out. I know you haven't been a captain long but you have the potential to try to be one of the stronger ones in the end.

Kasumi nodded her head slightly before wondering if one of the captains that exceled at kido could clear the mess away from the doors. Getting the humans safe was a concern for her. One of the women was pushed down in the panic. The shinigami lunged forward pulling her up as a hollow landed among the large group. Who ever did this surely had a death wish coming for them. Releasing into shikai her wakizashi turned into a beautiful rapier with flames dancing on the length of it. Kasumi looked around her, a small horde was forming around her from the release of power. The look of amusement on her face was hard to miss. They were like dogs being offered a bone. Waiting for the horde to get closer the small shinigami looked purely innocent. Listening to the guttural comments about her was more than enough to make the woman roll her eyes. The grip on the rapier remained rather loose. There was one upside to being a captain, not having to call the name of the shikai out. The horde was almost on her, Kasumi looked at them closely waiting for them to descend on her. Next thing she knew bodies of the creatures were pressed against her, pawing at her form trying to get a opening to bite down and tear away body parts. Muttering of it being a long time since they had a shinigami to eat made her frown. Once she knew they were closer the blaze from the shikai suddenly grew larger. The heat of the fire was enough to incinerate them. The small woman smiled looking like nothing happened even though she just destroyed a large group of hollows on her own in a tricky manner like that.

"Who's next?" The reply was smooth like a purr from a fat feline. Her white haori whirled around her the slightest singe marks on the edge of it.
Kasumi Suzume
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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event) Empty Re: A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

Post by Shikashi Yubi Sat May 26, 2012 9:05 am

From a senkaimon a couple of streets away from Kasumi's, Shikashi's senkaimon opened up and he, along with a few of his men, came out of it.
"Men, go help the Captain Commander set up his little toys. I'm going to see how long I can buy you. Don't go being stupid now, alright?" They called out affirmations before they all flitted off, leaving Shika on his own. Walking in a straight line, he heard Okami's voice in his head
"You need me to do anything yet, Shika? I'm ready for whatever you need."
"Calm it, Okami. Let's see how much damage we can do with kido first, then I'll call you out. Alright, little brother?"
"Aye, sir!" Okami replied, and Shikashi had the strangest feeling that the spirit had just mock saluted.

Looking through the streets, Shika grinned manically. There were so many of them, so much flesh. His tongue ran over his lips, just imagining the taste of the blood as it flowed down his throat
"Oh... this is going to be delicious." He whispered to himself, his teeth flashing with a gruesome smile. With that, he seemed to disappear. When he reappeared, he was standing ontop of a hollow, slamming his spirit Tazer into it's head, sending it into spasms before collapsing dead. He loved the strength of this thing.

Standing to the left of the doors of the massive building that the hollows were swarming, he pulled his zanpakuto out and dropped it, letting it stand in mid-air. He nudged it with his hand, causing it to start to spin in a circle. Within seconds, the twirling blade was little more than a blur. A lot of the hollows snapped their attention to him, a fresh meal. He smiled, his thoughts obviously the same as theirs. Their blood was his meal, and he was ready for it. Sticking his hand into the blur, he caught it's handle and stopped it.
"Way of destruction 58. Orchid Sky" he whispered, before shooting a huge hurricane of wind energy out of his blade, sending the swarming mass of hollows away from the doors.
"Kasumi, Master Amai, Kai! If you're going to go inside, I'd suggest now would be the best..." he stopped as he heard a roar from behind him. A massive hollow was standing over him, about to dive on him. Throwing a small bomb to the floor, a cloud of smoke appeared and when it cleared he was gone.

Last edited by Shikashi Yubi on Sat May 26, 2012 4:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event) Empty Re: A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

Post by Diaveras Sat May 26, 2012 3:46 pm

Oh the beautiful shockwave of the newly arrived and large reiatsu that spread from the concert area. The smell of shinigami and of the blood of hollows. It was impossible to resist now. The hollows still alive would being to burn away as the whole area was surrounded by a massive garganta. being encompassed by the wall of darkness on all sides of the area. The weight of reiatsu being emitted by them would make those captains not in bankai fall to their knees. Those average shinigami would probably feel crushed, and the fukutaichous would have trouble moving. From within the depths of the darkness could be seen deeper darkness, silhouettes of gillian, hundreds of gillian all blocking any chance to look further into the endless realm that lacked light.

But those familiar with gillian, and their level of reiatsu, would notice this was too much weight for even this many gillian alone. There was something more hidden within that darkness. Something they would know very well, far stronger than the gillian were. And how many of them were there? They would soon see as the gillian became visible, and the beings they were escorting with them. Adjuchas, the menos class known for being able to fight on par with a shinigami taicho in their bankai. Five of them all with a small army of gillian following them. these gillian were the first to take action, the walls of darkness closing behind them as they stepped out and the gillian all launching their cero at everything that was not either each other or their commanding adjuchas. the hollows sublimated away from the pressure of the reiatsu in the area, the same could be said for any humans in this area of the city. The situation was at its peak now and if nothing were done the effects would be hard to recover from.

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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event) Empty Re: A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

Post by The Infection Sat May 26, 2012 8:30 pm

Zane Hataro exhaled deeply, annoyed with how many hollows they had decided to summon for this. Now he had to deal with them until the actual Shinigami decided to show up. His methods were not exactly suited for facing so many targets at once. Normally, he fought simply under the terms of a one on one match, or something near that degree. Tightening his grip on the guard in his hand, the man prepared for the unceasing waves of hollows to seek him out. He was a tad surprised not many of them had assaulted him yet aside the two he already dealt with, but this was quickly rectified with the vibrations that coursed through the rocky grounds. The shadows of the massive figures that were Menos Grande were getting closer. Each step the behemoths took caused the ground to quake under their weight and size. Though, the Menos were not really that powerful or fast, just simple tanks with a huge surface area. The black cloaks of the hollows covered the majority of their body, the pointed-out nose being the thing that pointed out most from their form. The white masks looked over the area, red, blood-thirsty eyes glancing upon those still remaining. There had to be seven Menos total, more coming as time went on. Thankfully, they were all around the stage and not directly before him. That meant that he didn’t need to deal with them all at once directly.

He turned toward the nearest Menos Grande, looking upon the beast as it prepared to attack in tune with its barbaric nature. The Menos Grande’s mouth opened, the mask parting and showing the dozens of teeth that composed the beast’s jaw. It was gathering its tainted spiritual energy in the pocket, red energy secreting from the mouth and forging a red glow in the sky. Its head looked down at Zane, the energy gathering at the front of the hollow’s mouth. This crimson energy came together in four separate rays of light, slowly forging a single sphere in front of the beast’s body. Once the attack was charged, the Menos Grande let out a howl of bloodlust, the cero being shot forth in a transparent beam of destructive energy. The cero wasn’t too slow, but nor was it that fast. The one thing the blast did have was size, being six feet in diameter and easily engulfing most targets.

Zane relaxed his muscles as the hollow charged the energy blast. His feet pressed lightly against the grass-covered earth. More hollows charged from the stage, the majority being rather meek hollows that stood not even a few feet off of the ground. Their bodies appeared feeble compared to the rest, resembling the overall form of a small canine. Though, they made up for this in their numbers. The creatures were not exactly slow either, being faster than the two normal hollows that assaulted him earlier. As soon as the hollows began to lunge toward him and the cero was fired off, Zane Hataro darted to the left-shifting his footing and escaping the vicinity of both attacks. What this resulted in was the two attacks clashing in to one another. The menos grande’s cero slammed in to a group of the small dog-like hollows, incinerating their bodies to black spirit particles in an instant. The ground was torn asunder by the blast, gravel and dust being cast in to the air as a result. Smoke loomed near the location the attack hit as well, covering a small three-foot deep crater formed by the beam of concentrated hollow energy.

Dashing toward the Menos Grande, aiming to get behind it before the beast could react, the man attempted to gain a good position to strike from. This wasn’t much of a problem, seeing how slow Menos Grande were. At this time, the second of the Menos near by took heed of the Human in battle. Upon noting this, that hollow started to charge its own cero in a mimicked way to how the original Menos had done so. Thinking quickly on his feet, the Human slammed his right-foot in to the cloak on the first hollow’s back, quickly pressing the second against the ground with a burst of strength. He had even unleashed a small burst of spiritual energy to augment his jump. As he moved rapidly skyward, Zane used the blade in his right-hand and slammed the silver steel in to the Menos Grande’s back. This sword cut through the beast’s soul as it phased through their back. In seconds, he finally reached the beast’s head, the sword now hitting the head and slicing the hollow’s soul clean in half. Just as what had occurred prior, the hollow’s eyes lost all color, turning pitch-black upon the final collision. Though, this was not the current concern. The second Menos Grande had fully charge its cero, the light cast over him due to being on eye-level with the second Menos now.

Zane’s feet were planted on the first hollow’s skull, using it as a platform to stand on before it faded away in to spiritual energy. The cero was unleashed with a sonic boom, the air waves being distorted by the blast. This one was even stronger than the recently-defeated Menos. This either meant that they were growing stronger from being here, or they were being attracted from every location in the Menos Forest, giving the hollows different variations of power. The man pressed his feet off of the hollow’s skull, moving above the cero by a few feet. The blast finished off the now-dissolving body of the first Menos, incinerating its upper-body in a single shot. That was one out of the way for now. Though, Zane didn’t want to end up fighting all of these things. That may have been a tad anti-productive when the goal was to cause war between the Hollows and shinigami. Moving toward the hollow in his aerial position, he tried to avoid the cero to the best of his ability. Unfortunately, when his body lost momentum and started to descend toward the hollow, his left-arm skimmed the edge of the beam. His jacket was instantly burned o ash around that appendage, his skin burning off and slight bleeding starting at the side of the arm. The cero then ceased, only a trail of red mist remaining that represented the energy that remained in the air from the blast.

The Fullbringer landed a top the Menos Grande’s head. With his blade still in hand, the Human sent the blade darting down toward the center of the beast’s skull as he stood above it. The blade made a clear incision in the hollow’s head. Though, this did not kill it. It simply highly weakened the hollow. So much, in fact, that it could no longer stand. The hollow began to fall toward the stage, the gargantuan body acting like a wrecking ball. As it began to fall, the infected one made one final jump from the top of the hollow’s head, his body rapidly falling downward as a result of free-falling such a great distance. His feet slammed in to the ground, Zane’s left-arm being used to push against the earth to support him for a moment after such a high fall. He was half-stunned for a moment, not really adept at falling that far, but he didn’t appear to be hurt that badly. Simply burns and minor-bleeding along the left-arm. Being caught up in the adrenaline of combat, he never even really could feel the pain of the burns, ignoring it for the most part until now. The falling Menos Grande crashed in to the walls that separated the concert from the outside. The stone crumbled instantly under the monster’s weight, even crushing some minor hollows under it.

Zane rested for a moment, panting slightly form moving at such high-speeds and exerting enough strength to take down both of the Menos Grande. He never really could fight for an extended period of time efficiently. It wasn’t to the point he couldn’t yet, but he was obviously feeling a sense of fatigue. That is why his combat style involved quick kills and not spending a lot of time wasting energy. He didn’t want to be damned by his own lack of power.

That was when the first of the Shingami made their debut. Judging from their level of spiritual power, they were both likely to be taichos. The real fight was about to start, and focusing on fighting these hollows would keep his attention from what he was here to do. He also needed a better view of the scenario to properly observe the events taking place. Zane Hataro scanned around the area for a place high enough to watch the spectacle from. There were not any buildings fitting the quota, the only thing that tall and clear of hollows being the top of the stage,..Maybe that might work. Though, before he could proceed with this action, the sky had faded to the blackness. A truly massive garganta had encased the area, the spiritual; pressure of an enormous horde of hollows coming from inside of it. This complicated things a bit…Jeez, they had to summon so many hollows that he couldn’t even observe the scenes properly. The hollows currently on the field seemed to be destroyed under this new spiritual essence, turning them in to particles of spiritual material that combined with the air. It was after this that the two taichos became visible to him before the next wave of the horde came forth. One of them being a pyro-bending female figure, the other..Wait, where was the other? He swore he had sensed a second taicho moments ago, yet now only a cloud of smoke was in their place. Had they really just fled? Such cowardice was something to be taken advantage of later on…Though, he had hoped to see the real combat ability of the individual.

Zane vanished in a flash of light, using the full-bringer equivalent to other race’s high-speed movement. Moving at speeds superior to his normal movement abilities, the man phased back in to common view at the highest point of the construction that hovered over the stage where the lights and other such devices were commonly placed. It was at this point that he watches the armies of Gillian move outward from the garganta, moving in an organized manner…Since when were hollows organized like this? Something was also off about this spiritual output. Even with so many Gillian, it was a tad higher than what would be expected. Putting the organized manner of the hollows and the difference in spiritual energy, it could only be concluded that higher-ranking pieces on the board of chess were hidden away in the shadows, pulling their strings. Finally, the adjuhas showed themselves. Though, they were hard to see with the crowds of Menos Grande around them. The gaping hole in the dimension closed, ceasing the link between The Menos Forest and the living world.

Then came that familiar crimson light. The sounds of cero charging in the maw of the horde and ready to fire in succession. These things were like bloody canons, firing devastating blasts in unison with a screech of sound. Having a few of the Menos near him having their aim set for the man, he didn’t really have much choice but to lose this spot to overlook the events proceeding. Once the cero near him were about to fire, he dropped from his position above the stage, following the effects of gravity and turning his body in such a way that he landed on his feet on the stage floor. The cero burst through his former location, melting steel and incinerating the lights in an instant. The whole thing would probably come crashing down after that if it hadn’t been entirely incinerated. The ashes fell downward, covering the floor of the stage and leaving it half-destroyed. This was really going to be annoying. Zane was going to have a long talk with the C.E.O after this clusterfuck was over.
The Infection
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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event) Empty Re: A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

Post by Yaksha Mon May 28, 2012 3:21 pm

The garganta roiled and bubbled over, seeming to shift and writhe within the air. The reaitsu suddenly redoubled, the feeling becoming oppressive. For only a single moment, the hollows, Adjuchas and gillian alike froze completely. They didn't breathe, didn't blink, didn't do a single thing. They almost seemed to have turned into statuettes, as they waited for whatever was about to come. The sound of whispers filled the air, small at first, and quickly speeding up. A pair of hands shot through the garganta, grasping against the edges of it. A moment later, a second pair shot through, and it began to pull the barrier together. The garganta squeezed tighter and tighter, seemingly trying to keep this beast out.

In one movement, Yaksha tore through the barrier, his hands tugging the garganta shut behind him. His mask was neutral at first, seeming to show no emotion. The markings on it looked almost like tears, and as he slithered forward, the adjuchas all came to life, turning to spot him. Yaksha slid towards them, his hands waving through the air in strange, eldritch ways. When he spoke, his voice was soft, mellifluous, and full of a sort of quiet confidence. "Really now? I'm ashamed in you. You answer the siren's call like lemmings running over the cliff. You embrace your fate, you run headlong into certain death. This is why I work solo. All the numbers in the world won't do any good if you act like idiots."

One of the hollows let out a snarl, leaping towards Yaksha like a dog about to strike. Their movements were rapid, almost impossible to follow, but Yaksha was just as fast, and had to move half as much; he twisted to the side, the hollow sliding past him and landing on the ground in a skid. Yaksha pointed a hand towards it, bright red reishi forming at the tip of his finger and firing off. The bala tore forward, aimed directly at the beast's torso, and Yaksha let out a low sigh of disappointment. "You see? You see what I have to work with? And you wonder why I consider myself separate from you beasts."

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A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event) Empty Re: A Concert of disdain (Arc 1 event)

Post by Diaveras Mon May 28, 2012 3:52 pm

One of the adjuchas, a bipedal construct of a beast bearing sharp looking fur and a mask of simple design, watched as the other, less sensible Adjuchas, charged forth at the mighty being. The well feared and famous highest of the hollows was being taken lightly by the mindless Adjuchas. this one that was watching though. Stared at the creature before him. Giving a slight bow of respect to it. "Ascendant one." He referred to the vastro lorde before himself. "Why do you not assist in our mission? Indeed a call of a siren, did we answer. But come to feast is not our only purpose. Though as ones not as ascendant as your self, you know that we must continue to feed for fear of descending once more." Looking up he stared at the towering gillian around them. "Lest we degrade into such ineloquent forms once again."

The adjuchas that had charged raised a field around itself to block the bala, but did not make another attempt at an attack, seeing the other adjuchas speaking to the higher being. It hovered its way back towards the speaking adjuchas, accompanied by one more while the other two went off to search out and destroy the shinigami they were detecting. The rumbling of the ground beneath the feat of the gillian could be heard as they marched forth in unison. their cero still launching at anything remotely threatening to them and their masters.

"Ascendant one will you not lead this army as your own? Take command of us and lead us to victory against the murderers. Against the ones who kill our kind without want for reason nor negotiation. Who deny us as conscious beings and treat us as blights on the face of living beings almost as much so as the mutated." This was a word used to refer to arrancar. The mutated, as this adjuchas viewed arrancar as abnormal and desired not to become one.

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