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Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED] 133443414328299-1

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Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED]

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Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED] Empty Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED]

Post by Shikashi Yubi Mon May 28, 2012 2:16 pm

Try-out Role-player: Joachim Armster
Try-out Character's Name: Joachim Armster
Try-out Character's Race: Bount
Shikashi Yubi
Shikashi Yubi

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Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED] Empty Re: Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED]

Post by Joachim Armster Mon May 28, 2012 2:59 pm

Wedsday, December 4th, 1994 ; Beneath the City of Wallachia, Eastern Europe

A jutting limestone cliff jutted boldly into the inky black sky above, it's smooth white stone dirtied by the sewage cascading down it's face as a waterfall. At the height of the cliff was a water treatment plant, dumping forth the 'treated' water back into the environment from massive ridged black tubes that hung just barely over the rock. It was a great journey down, through small shrubs and trees lodged in the jagged, uneven rocks, to the great pool below that slid forth into a violent river cutting through more rocks and the outskirts of the city, before curving beyond sight into the night-clad trees of the forest.

Deep below, beneath the waterfall, there was a cavernous entrance... the gaping maw of a cave, lined and teethed with stalagmites hanging from the ceiling, and several broken columns of the same formations at the base of the cave as well. A torrent of bats flew outwards, clinging to the walls and snatching small water-borne bugs with their mouths, preying on gnats and mosquitoes as well as any small enough creature unfortunate enough to fit in their hungry stomachs. From the blackness of the cave stepped forth a woman; she was tall, with a very broad, skinny frame. Her attractive hips pushed outwards, forming the cusp of her womanly figure, and the shape of her upper legs and rear promised pleasure with their sensual fertility. Her legs were very long and slim despite the seductive boldness of her form, as she was very light, leading into somewhat large but soft, feminine feet with slender, unpainted toes. Her eyes, deep black-brown with a smoldering, reflective stare, were round and bright, and atop them were perfectly trimmed eyebrows of only moderate thickness. Long, somewhat unkempt and wild long dark brown hair of rich color flowed back and past her shoulders, hiding her modestly sized but flawlessly formed C-Cup breasts just enough to conceal the nipples. They were perky and round, and a long white arm slowly wrapped around them from behind her, clutching the left breast with a slow squeeze of it's pale hand. The woman herself was lightly tanned, and shaking, rather frightened; all across her body, she was very womanly and well defined, slender but busty. Joachim pushed forward from behind her, his body nudging against her smooth, but strong back, and thrusting dryly against her pert rear. He whispered softly into her ear, brushing the hair softly from her beautiful face. Her thick, expressive lips parted, and she seemed slightly frightened.

His nimble, lengthy fingers caressed her cheek from behind, and longingly passed over her inviting lips. Despite her healthy, alluring form, this was actually a middle aged woman of forty-two years; Joachim had a taste for aged, ripened beauty such as this. A dark-haired woman in her last few years of fertility.... except, that this woman lacked the fertility her body had promised him. "I would have kept you." He said, in such a sultry, lusty tone. The woman shook with her tingling nerves as his voice made her shudder. "Forget me, and never return; you cannot give me children." Joachim spoke broodingly, slowly drawing back, before opening his mouth to expose three pairs of sharp fangs; four of the deadly teeth were upon his upper mouth, long and slimmer like curved daggers, with the first pair longer and thinner than the next, and the fangs upon his bottom jaw were the shortest, but also the fattest. He bit her neck voraciously, as his dull grey lips spread and revealed his hungry maw. His face twisted, becoming monstrous and unsettling, but the woman herself never saw it... the blood seeped from her steadily, devoured by her unearthly lover.

He drew back before long, sparing the woman's life; rather, it had been to get a final taste of her, not to kill her. He'd missed her jugular. But she had difficulty standing as he released her, from blood loss. The side of her neck was slathered in blood. Gently, he took one side of her hips in his hand, and the other went to her shoulder. He pushed her off into the pool of water below. She fell silently, passing out in the fall, before hitting the water with a loud splash. Joachim watched her body flow steadily into the mouth of the river, before flowing down and beyond it, out of sight and out of mind. The way in which he'd simply thrown her away must've seemed merciless and cruel, but the reality was that this woman lacked the ability to bear children; Joachim saw her as useless, however fun or pleasant she might have been. Still, he had enjoyed her, he thought. Which was why he allowed her to have a chance at surviving... somewhat.

He wiped the blood from his mouth with a wicked grin. His royal blue-purple coat was open, exposing his rippling stomach and defined pectorals, the fabric now loose when no longer bound. He wore a belt of loose, fancy chains, with a stray link of the garment hanging off with a charm connected to it. His white pants clung baggily to his legs, almost like arabian slacks, tucked into a pair of black leather and sterling silver trimmed boots that reached as far as just below his knees. He brushed some of the long, wet hair from his face, licking the blood off his handsome lips with a dull-colored tongue. The flesh of it seemed unnatural, and although unsettling, there was an uncanny beauty to the man. He was tall, strong, gorgeous... those chilling, cool grey eyes stared at the remnants of the woman's blood in the pool from which the waterfall above spilled into. He was not smiling, but it looked as if he were grinning, lapping the blood off his own teeth as he did. Half-shrouded in darkness, his right hand clutched a familiar object, a longsword with a bat-like hilt and a long gleaming blade that betrayed the darkness which clung to it....

Joachim Armster
Joachim Armster

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Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED] Empty Re: Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED]

Post by Ravilin Asura Mon May 28, 2012 9:55 pm

The soft hush would hang in the thick air for a moment, a petite woman slipped between the trees. Her body was shapely, curves in the right places. The only thing that seemed to be alarming about her was the unnatural colour of her hair and eyes. The hair was a haze of crimson, falling around her shoulders freely, brushing against her hips. The eyes were the same striking shock of crimson. Slowly she trailing between the trees, her fingers playing across the rough bark. Amusement showed in the eyes. It was clear to the woman what this man was. Hadn't the shinigami tried their best to wipe out the bounto? Yet here one was thriving in its own pit of madness. Watching the body of the woman dip into the waters, Nisha shook her head. Did the man believe that'd hide the body? Even then placing her in cold water after feeding off of the supple form was more than enough to steal the essence of the woman. She'd die. Not that Nisha cared too much, she'd collect the corpse later to see how the bounto fed on her. Continuing on the simple weave between the tress the arrancar stopped across the river from the white haired man. The crimson orbs her focused on the rise and fall of his chest. The swell of her hips was more than enough to show she could carry a child. Slowly her fingers moved through the crimson locks, the right eye hidden from view while she paced along the damp river bank.

"Bounto, why should you throw away food like that? I don't understand why you would do such a thing." Nisha spoke with a curious glance. Today she had decided to wear a white gown that pushed her breasts out, the corset piece of it slimming her wait into beautiful skirts. Now and then she liked to go through her clothing of different time periods. At 720 some years, Nisha enjoyed at least being able to dress up so that she could draw those around her in like a snake. The cloth was a pale ivory white making her look pale as if she were marble rather than a living creature. The skirts of the dress were easy enough to tear away if it came down to such a thing. Why he was confusing the woman with throwing the other one away into the torrents of water. Throwing a glance into the water a slow mewl like noise escaped her. Nisha looked more like a goddess than a living person. Not that she saw herself as something with a gender. In her eyes she held no gender thus did not suffer from the temptations of mere mortals. "It seems like a waste. Especially considering the body temperature lowers after being fed on and the water is freezing. She'll be dead long before anyone finds her, you are aware of this, correct?" Nisha was perplexed blinking at the bounto from her side of the river bank.
Ravilin Asura
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Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED] Empty Re: Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED]

Post by Joachim Armster Mon May 28, 2012 10:30 pm

Joachim extended a hand forth, clawing at the pale moonlight; it's gleam was the life of night, the faintest reminder to all mortals of why the dark was to be feared... for without even that soft, dim light, the blackness would surely swallow all things into the obscured blanket of ethereal blindness. He imagined if he could clutch that luminous sphere of rock in his hand, his arm rising and bending at the elbow to better reach for it, his long sharp white nails extended outwards... silver rings adorned his nimble, lengthy fingers, which were all too adept to the familiar hilt of a sword. It felt strange to him to reach for anything else, and he seemed to stare at his digits ponderously for several minutes, deep in thought. What if he could seize that moon in his ambitious grasp? The thought actually frightened him. The moon to him was more than a piece of rock. It was somehow supernatural, with a frightful and unknown significance known only to the nightmares that walked the dimmest corners of the hidden mind. But, a desirous voice rippled into the air, and broke Joachim from his chain of thought.

He gazed upon her curiously. A vampire hunter? Or a vampiress herself? She too seemed unearthly in her form, beautiful beyond what mortality could achieve, and so richly promising in every curve of her body; a generous bosom spilled boldly forth from her chest, but most of all, Joachim's attention was drawn to those scarlet lips. Neither the eyes, nor her vivid crimson locks, but just her lips. They made him smile, if only subtly so. "I believe in miracles." Joachim replied, in response to the mysterious woman's death sentence over Joachim's used up victim. A haunting purple light gleamed around him like an outline, spreading across his body with the gentle encroachment of fire, radiating with a phantom luminescence like an aura of malevolent ectoplasm. He rose as if to defy all gravity then, hovering weightlessly in the air, as he laid on his side as if there were some bench or cushion beneath him. Those chilling white eyes of his bore only the smallest, slitted pupils, which now fixated upon the strange woman. He smirked wider, yet showed no teeth, not just yet...

He floated abstractly, sometimes in one direction, other times another... the motion seemed very natural, yet very slow, like a leaf moving in the wind on slow motion. All the while, his hair rose and moved about as if to be seized by a phantom, the strands rising and trembling silently in a plethora of directions. He seemed pleased with her, yet also... "Perhaps a school of fish, some pack of wild salmon, will take pity upon her and push her onto shore... from which, a grizzly bear might mistake her for some long lost relative in it's common confusion, and bring her to it's cave to nurse her back to life, and she will live happily ever after with her furred companion." he spoke, spinning a wild tale. The purpose eluded recognition; it was unnecessary to bother with frivolous situations of theory, unless he were but mocking her. "And perhaps, just maybe, you might by some great mercy of fate leave this place alive and intact, much like her. That is, if you believe in miracles?" He cleverly threatened, his silver tongue lulling forth a voice of a great and enjoyable charisma to her, a deep and entrancing tone, yet one that frightened as much as it pleased... he seemed very much to be a man, and yet, he was monster. Something so beautiful and so horrid, living in impossible luxury, just beneath a rotten sewer. His limbs unfolded, straightening as he stood upon nothing high above the pool, steadily drifting towards her...

Joachim Armster
Joachim Armster

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Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED] Empty Re: Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED]

Post by Ravilin Asura Mon May 28, 2012 10:57 pm

Try-out Profile Evaluation Section - Sub-Total: 29/36

  • General -Total: 11/12
  • Thoroughness - 3/4
  • Organization - 4/4
  • Cleanliness - 4/4

  • Character - Total: 9/12
  • Originality and creativity - 4/6
  • Character depth - 5/6

  • Zanpakuto - Total: 9/12
  • Originality and creativity - 4/6
  • Zanpakuto depth - 5/6

Try-out Post Evaluation Section - Sub-Total: 56/64

  • Creativity - Total: 14/18
  • Setting - 4/6
  • Action scene - 5/6
  • Character reaction -5/6

  • Grammar and Sentence Structure - Total: 14/16
  • Punctuation - 4/4
  • Sentence structure - 3/4
  • Readability - 7/8

  • Storytelling Ability - Total: 4/4

  • Flow and Overall Structure - Total: 8/8
  • Post flow - 4/4
  • Post organization - 4/4

  • General Detail - Total: 16/18
  • Setting detail - 5/6
  • Character action detail - 5/6
  • Character interaction detail and integrity - 6/6

Total: 85

Rank: Supreme -
Ravilin Asura
Ravilin Asura

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Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED] Empty Re: Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED]

Post by Ravilin Asura Thu May 31, 2012 6:57 pm

New try out total 10,000P
Ravilin Asura
Ravilin Asura

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Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED] Empty Re: Tryout: Joachim Armster; Joachim Armster [APPROVED]

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